Thursday, July 10, 2008

updates and car-ni-whats?

It is time. For me to write another lovely post that I know all my dearest friends read *ahem*. And I know it has been quite awhile since I've written anything. But you have to understand, these brilliant posts I write don't just come out of nowhere believe it or not. My posts must be written out of inspiration! Obviously. Anywho... i'm pretty bored at the moment, i'm at the hairdresser, sitting under the drying- I have about 25 minutes left of intense drying so I thought, why not post? 

Here's an update on my life (how does that sound? Updates are always good)
-Going to college 
-Currently at the hairdresser....
-Oh oh! Went to the car-ni-val. TWICE. Lots of fun that car-ni-val. If you knew me at all you would know exactly how i'm pronouncing car-ni-val. Hence those little - in between that wonderful word
-Oh and at the car-ni-val I got stung by a bee! While on the ride known as the Freak Out. For the record, i've never been stung by a bee before so it was quite the experience. The only negative thing I can think up regarding the car-ni-val is that there are no first aid kits there. None. That means no ice packs- and when you try to ask the soda guy for some ice he tells you he doesn't have any, but that if I bought a cold soda it would work just the same. For a minute I refused to purchase said soda on account of principle, but eventual I *sigh* gave in and bought that damn soda. And after icing my wound I have a lovely victory drink! 

I suppose that's enough updating for now... until next time darlings