Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Uncompleted Post (?)

     I have just been inspired by my dear friend Geoff to update my blog. I've decided to rant about the random and odd obsessions/hobbies that come and go in my life. Unfortunately many said obsessions have come, consumed, conquered and left me (though remnants remain). My current obsession? Obtaining a pet. Since dog is out of the question for the moment I've set my sights on the smaller and more attainable furry little pets. There was once a time when I was convinced I would be getting a teacup pig whom I would call Gordon-Gordon. And yet another time I was sure I would be the proud owner of a pet hedgehog named Basil-ba(h)sil or maybe Ba(h)sil-basil. I got as far as contacting a breeder in Brookline before realizing the hedgehog was not for me. I've looked into sugar gliders, rabbits, chinchillas, birds - pretty much everything with the exclusion of reptiles. 
    It was only last week that I was dead set on getting a pet rat - well, pair of pet rats because apparently they're social creatures and need a constant companion. Now, I know what you're thinking, "a rat! Ew!" after all, I admit this was my first reaction. But after extensive research into these animals I discovered that if I could get over the fact that their tails really creep me out, they can make wonderful pets. They've been described as 'miniature dogs' in that they are highly intelligent and can be trained to do tricks and even come when called by name. They can also be litter box trained which is definitely a plus. They are extremely affectionate, and despite stereotypes are quite clean. And no, they are not like the rats in the alley behind my apartment because a) they're domesticated rats so think of it as more of a cousin to the wild rat, like dogs are to wolves and b) they're smaller and not squirrel size.
     I began investing even more of my time into my rat research and looked up breeders. Yes, breeders. There are people who breed pet rats, they're actually called fancy rats because they are often bred to have specific colorings and/or markings. Unfortunately there seemed to be a shortage of fancy rat breeders in Massachusetts so I had to expand my search to our neighboring states. 
     The rat was a perfect idea. And as a bonus they only live for roughly 3 years (so low commitment on my part because I do plan on getting that dog in the next several years). The only real problem that I faced was my mother. She's really not much of a pet person, let alone a rat person. So the ultimate plan was to not tell her about getting a pet rat and just let her find out when she saw the cage and said rats in the living room. 
     Now I'm not sure what finally got me to drop the rat crusade but I have. Perhaps it was all of the disgusted looks I'd get from people whenever I'd tell them my plans for a pet rat. The tipping point was probably when my psych actually said 'Ew!' out loud after telling her my plans. And thats got to mean something since psychs are not supposed to be judgemental and all, you know, 'safe environment' and whatnot.  
    I'm not sure how it all started but now I'm really into the whole pet rabbit thing. You see, I had already considered rabbits, but initially tossed the idea when I found out they can live for 10 plus years (i.e. long term commitment). But then I cam up with the idea of adopting a rabbit from a shelter or something so it'd already have a few years on him thus making him more of a short term commitment. And then eventually after doing more reasearch on pet rabbits I decided this was something that I could and wanted to commit to. I can see it now,  10 years into the future, me, my rabbit, and my dog. 
     So yes, I have contacted several rabbit breeders in the area about getting a pet rabbit. I've done extensive research and even have a folder with all of the rabbit information I've found. This might actually be happening. Of course my mom is still against any type of pet in her house but maybe she'll come around when she sees the adorable little guy. 

**Technically this is an unfinished post since I ADDed partway through writing it but I've decided to post it anyways because I'm too lazy to try and figure out where this post was going (if it was even going anywhere). 

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Teeth, Creepy Crawlies, Burgers and Japadogs

So I should really be going to sleep now, but I've decided to post something after months of nada. For those of you who do not know, I have recently had my wisdom teeth removed. It has not been pleasant. Over the past few days I have become a reluctant friend of non-solid foods such as mashed potatoes (I was really proud of myself for thinking up that one to eat), pudding, jell-o, ice cream (mmm, ice cream), apple sauce and yogurts and such. Let me tell you, there is a limit to how much pudding a person can take. That's why I was so happy when I was finally able to eat pasta! Yay for pasta, I don't think I've ever been so happy to eat the Italian delicacy. The day before I also discovered scrambled eggs, which was quite nice. And this morning I discovered I could finally eat the wondrous pancake. Everything seemed to be going uphill. Until the pain came and I had to go back to the dentist and discovered I have a dry socket (look it up if you don't know what it is).


Sorry about that, had to take some pain meds for the dry socket mentioned above. Went into the bathroom and saw the biggest monster creepy crawly bug I've ever seen and it gave me the scare of my life. Seriously, I pretty much screamed as if an axe murder was coming after me, axe raised and poised at the ready to slice off my neck. It scurried away from me, just missing my poor innocent toes. It was like one of those long creepy crawlers with like a hundred little legs attached to it that could probably win the gold in the 100 meter dash or whatever... Seriously, if I could run like that? Anyways, scariest thing ever, I think I seriously would have rather see a mouse or something... Anyways, called the mother unit in to find and kill it, butalas she failed and so I convinced her to shut the b-room door and tap the crack at the bottom to seal the little critter in there until morning when we can do a proper search and destroy.

So anyways, there's probably a whole lot of stuff I can update you on but I won't, instead I'll just write a list of the foods I plan to eat once I can eat whatever my stomach (and heart) desire:
(I've actually made a real list on a sticky note)

Pizza- ankara (which has actually moved locations to somewhere unknown but still delivers),uno's, scozzi (this awesome place on Newbury that opened a place in Kenmore recently),dominos (because I can't remember the last time I ordered it, seriously)
Calzone- ankara
Cheeseburger- flamers (in the Pru because it takes a whole lot of chewing power to chow down a flamers burger and I can't wait to chew chew chew!), uburger (either the boomboom or the Big Papi), good eats (which is this place near northeastern (booo)
Shabu Shabu- which I know isn't a food, but is a place. A place where I plan to get the Chinese Spicy broth... mmmm
Fries- to go along with the said burger and pizza
Indian food- I just really want some nan bread
Thai Food- noodle street, and that place in Arlington center
Anna's Taqueria- also a place, not a specific food.

so that's my list so far... when I was making it a few days ago I also googled pictures of the foods which my mom thinks is not only a sign of mental instability, but also just all around unhealthy and weird... Oh, I forgot to list how I would love to get a burger from Fat Burger, but there aren't any of those around here... I think the closest is in New Jersey. I would also like to try a Japadog. It's like a hot dog but with Japanese condiments on it, it looks really tasty, google that along with that dry socket. Or maybe don't do both at the same time, might ruin the Japadog appetite.

I'll just end this here and make it a short post.

Until next time (which will probably be in a few months),
The Girl with a Tooth Ache

P.S. Tonight I watched the Jersey Shore for the first time. I only saw it for about 20 minutes and I wasn't really paying attention because I was occupied with a take-out Japanese menu. Why did I have it on the TV you ask? Because my mother wanted to see an episode of it because she had heard about it from god knows where (I think she read an article on how this one Italian community/group thing was offended by it or something) and wanted to see what all the hype was about. Needless to say, she was not very impressed by it.

P.P.S. I changed the design of the blobe, let me know if you like it or if I should change it back to the old one

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Obama, Jean Theft, Fuzzy Pet, Blasianess, Weekend Home and Bay State Happenings

Okay, so I've been meaning to post for awhile now, and fearing that I would forget things to write, I wrote a handy dandy little purple sticky note, which I have right here next to me as I type. So, there's a lot of little bullet notes (it goes onto the back of the note) so I better get started. 

I will start with a couple dreams I've had (this is for you H): 

Dream 1 (yes, I'm going to number them):
For some reason, me and my friends were going around trying to raise money for Obama... I'm not exactly sure what the money was for but yeah... And as we're going around collecting cash from people, who happens to walk by, but President Obama himself! So what do we do? We hand him the cash and strike up conversation. Apparently he's been stressing because America is on the brink of war! It looks like there's about to be a world war 3. So we're all chilling with Obama, and somehow he finds out that I've got the amazing ability of telepathy. That's right people, I can move things with my mind. So now me and Obama are like tight (crossing fingers to show just how tight) and even in my dream I know it's because he wants to use me in the up coming war- Maxine, the secret weapon. So me and my friends go to this big fancy dinner that Obama is holding (for some reason I think it's being held in the Tower's dinning hall). And my dear friend H is there sitting at one of the tables- in my dream, she's also my roommate, sorry Teresa. Here's where it gets foggy, and sorta turns into Dream 2...

Dream 2: For some reason I must have left the fancy dinner. I go up to my room and something seems suspicious. You see, earlier I had seen these too black girls in the room across from mine, and it looked like they were stealing stuff, but I didn't want to go around accusing cause I wasn't sure, I mean, I don't want to be called a racist or anything (also I was preoccupied with being America's new secret weapon and all...) Anyways, I get into my room (which is unlocked! How stupid of me, to leave it unlocked when I went to eat dinner with Obama..) and I find my wallet, but nothing is missing... weird right? So I check around my room, and when I open my closet, I find out that those bitches fucking stole my cloths!!! I've got like nothing left in my closet, except for this hideous pair of bright velvet pants that I have never seen in my life! So I rush out of my room and can hear them in the echoey stairwell and chase after those bitches. I catch them outside getting ready to load their getaway car (it's pouring rain also) and yell out to them as I see one girl putting my jeans in a bag, "You stole my jeans! Give me back my fucking jeans!" and I'm all up in their faces- it's Hockey Maxine- and they're getting nervous so she gives me back me jeans. But then I see the other bitch packing my skirts away, and I start freaking out again. Eventually a cop comes and I explain everything before getting a glimpse of my purses which really sets me off. Like even I'm a little afraid of Angry Dream Maxine. And I'm talking to the police telling him everything, and he's disgusted by this theft, he's all "They stole your purses?" in a 'how dare they' voice, and I'm like uh-huh. I woke up though, but I have a feeling I got all my stuff back. 

Wow, this is a long post, but read it all. Read it. (shakes fist)

Dream 3 (this one is short): 
I was in the pet store, and they were selling is really cute orange fuzz ball things that swim in water... they were so cute, and I wanted one so bad... They were literally like a little fuzz ball, about the size of my hand, swimming around (I think they could walk on land too). They were so adorable, like you have no idea. And when I woke up I was all like awww, but then I realized they don't exist, and then I was impressed by my ability to make up such an adorable creature. 

That's the end of my dreams, but not the end of my sticky note bullets... sorry, hang in there?

Okay, so I thought up a new Blasian idea, that sounds kind of weird to me now, but i'll just say it, what if I came up with a Blasian Afrasian nationality anthem? Also, I've thought up the BAU like in Criminal Minds (Behavioral Analysis Unit) but instead it's the Blasian Afrasian Union. What what?! 

Also, is Kobe Bryan Blasian? Somebody told me he was, he's not on the wiki list of Blasians, and I tried looking it up but failed. Anybody know??

Okay, I'm going to try and hurry things along... I went home two weekends ago because I was on crutches cause I have tendinitis in my foot. I will never go home again for a weekend, only for holidays where the dorms close. Anyways, when I was watching TV in the living room I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and looked and guess what I fucking saw? A fucking chipmunk! In the fucking house! (excuse my language). But seriously?? My mom was eventually able to chase it down to the basement where it died overnight I guess... sad I know, even though it was in my house, it was still kind of cute... I asked my mom how the hell it got in the house and she said she had left the downstairs (all of them) open to air out the basement, and she didn't think anything would come into the house... Sigh.. 

Okay, hockey has started up again, really happy about that. 

And last thing!
I've started seeing some weird happenings on Bay State. First, one morning I saw a guy unicycling down Bay State to class... It was a very odd sight, and I liked how everybody was staring at him. Especially the cop standing in the street, the cop literally like turned his head around to keep looking at the kid, and he just kept staring, and didn't stop until the kid was out of sight. The look on his face... 

Also, on the way back from class, I saw that guy who rides his bike and has a little boom box bungey corded to the back blasting music. I saw him slowly riding down the street with one hand on the handle bar all cool. I admit, although I could hold back the laughter, I could not hold back that little grin at the sight... 

Okay, that's all I have to say, I've got to hit the gym now, which I am not looking forward to. 


P.S. If somebody actually read through all of this, I will be very proud of you. If not... the disappointment is there...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Glee, LL Cool J, Alternate Elephant Universes and Quote of the Post

I am currently watching Glee. And sitting in my big comfy blue chair. Teresa just came back in. She says we now have a TV show to watch on Weds at 9pm. And I must inform her that Criminal Minds comes on then...

Anyways, on to some different news... it has been confirmed. By me. That there will indeed be an NCIS: Los Angeles. Starring LL Cool J. Well, I'm not sure if he's actually star of it, but he's definitely in it. A step up from Deep Blue Sea? Who knows. I'm also not sure how I feel about an NCIS LA... NCIS is on its way to becoming the next CSI... Miami *gasp*! What do you think about this LL Cool J NCIS LA?? And if you were wondering the show will premiere on September 22. Thought: is LL Cool J supposed to be the LA version of Morgan?? Hmm? Something to think about...

Glee just made me laugh. If you were wondering. 

So a few nights ago I had an interesting dream. First of all you should know that it was an alternate universe. Where global warming was affecting elephants in the wild. And where elephants lived in extremely hot climates that were located right next to freezing cold ones. So one second an elephant is walking in the dessert and the next they're trekking through the snow. But like in our universe, the ice caps are melting! Except in my dream universe, the elephants are drowning, not the polar bears! (which is interesting because I had a polar bear dream last week...) So the elephants are drowning and fleeing. And somehow I get a pet elephant (that was abused by his previous owner) though I didn't think of him as a pet, more like a friend... Anyways, to speed up the story, through a series of unfortunate events, and through no fault of my elephant (he was provoked by mean people) he ended up trampling me in his stall... But really, I don't blame him at all. It's the mean people I blame. 

So that was a recent dream I had...

I'm not really sure- okay I totally got distracted by Glee and looked back at my computer and read that sentence I had started and had no clue where I was headed with that... Thought went right out of my head. 

So I'll just end this post at that. Oh wait no, I'm going to end it with the Quote of the Post: "OCD, I'm thinking more like OMG" - Derek Morgan, Criminal Minds

Also, Glee just make me wish I could sing, 

Monday, June 8, 2009

history of s'mores, more NCIS, and pies!

So, curious about who invented s'mores?? I sure was, which is why I wikied it! And then googled it. Here's what I found:
1. S'mores comes from the phrase "some more", as in give me some more of those delicious treats! Wiki says "its meaning hints at the desires of campers who are not satisfied by just one s'more"
2. Couldn't find where s'mores come from, but a bunch of sources say the first recipe for s'mores can be found in the Girl Scout Handbook of 1927. 
3. Apparently s'mores are very american and also canadian (or popular in those places)
4. S'mores have become so popular that Pop-Tarts produced a s'mores flavor (which I have seen, but have not tried)
5. More on where they came from. All the ingredients were "readily available" to americans by the late 19th century (so says some random s'mores site). Evidence shows these ingredients were used on a regular basis, but does not tell us when they were invented or by whom. So where did the idea come from? Victorian cookbooks have recipes for "sandwich cookies" while american cookbooks in the early 20th century contain recipes for chocolate sandwiches and marshmallow sandwiches. Finally, apparently american food companies were combining these three ingredients in the 1920s, such as mallomars and moon pies. 

That's as far as I got before I got bored... We may never know where these wonderful delights came from, but does it really matter? Let us just enjoy the pure genius of them- no need to understand them or their history. 

Now, I am currently watching NCIS- it's a particularly funny one... it's the halloween episode where some little girl is kidnapped... anyways, yesterday I went to Preeya's house and we threw a frisbee around in her yard for a bit then made a PIE. An apple blueberry pie. It was delicious. 

Oh! I have a short story to tell. A few days ago I went out to lunch with my mom and I was telling her about what my dream house would be like- I was describing the bay windows in my library- and when I paused to get some feedback from her she looked at me and said "your eyebrows are getting thick" so yeah... I'm not even sure if she was listening...

Also, we're cleaning up the house- getting it ready to move and all... and guess what? Not only did they rearrange a bunch of our furniture, but they also gave us a plant to put in our living room! it's green and makes the room look nicer... They did not bring the painting they said they would bring tho... 

Anyways, I'm hoping to go to a red sox game this week, but it's going to rain so it might be rained out... I'm hoping for the best though... 

There was definitely something else I wanted to discuss, but I can't seem to remember... Oh well. 

Time for more NCIS!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

bad cable, romantic cold case, wet rain and s'mores

I believe it is time for another fabulous post by yours truly. So today there was an NCIS marathon going from 11 to 8, it was wild. I started watching at 12, but then the cable went out at 1, so I got to watch one episode. Then the cable came back at about 1:05 and I got all excited before it went out again five minutes later. That's the worst, when they let you watch a little- just enough to really get into it- and then take it away from you. I called the customer services people and they couldn't help me fix it over the phone so a cable guy is coming tomorrow or something to fix it. I was very upset, but whenever I talk to customer service people I try not to show them that I'm upset because it's not their fault my cable isn't working and they must get a lot of angry people calling them (like my mom) to deal with so I don't want to add to that. It must be a very stressful job having to deal with all these angry people. So I play nice and we get along and everything is happy. I've even made one customer service guy laugh- well... it was more of a chuckle. Anyways, I went out to lunch with my mom came back and tried the tv and it worked! I have this theory that the cable only works in the afternoon. Anyways, I was able to watch like 4 or 5 more episodes. I was really sad at the end of the marathon though because Law&Order came on and it was just criminal intent so I flipped around and found an episode of cold case to watch (I know, good night for tv right?). The episode was about a guy from the marines who was killed (I think the marines are way cool btw) and I when I found this out I actually said out loud "This is a job for NCIS!" and half expected to see Gibbs & Co. show up (they didn't). Anyways, it was a really good episode of cold case, it was one of the ones where it's got that romantic love story background to it that ends up being really sad... but before it gets sad you see how absolutely wonderful it was and how perfect they were together and stuff (very mushy I know). Seriously though, it was one of those cold case love stories where you just go 'awww' and then at the end when you see the old woman all alone without the love of her life you go 'whyyyy????!!' Anyways, very good tv watching tonight. 

So, I'm thinking about going to Ankara sometime soon (I really want my mom to try their pizza), I'd really like to get a calzone cuz the one AP got looked really good... and maybe some fro-yo too. mmmm.... 

In the beginning of this week I went camping with some friends. It was really fun even though it rained and we ended up leaving a day early. And that we (well I sat in the middle of the canoe so not really me) had to canoe in the rain for about an hour and a half and it was freezing cold (I only had flip flops on - should have brought the rain boots). And when we got to the checkpoint where the canoe people were suppose to pick us up they wouldn't pick up the phone (apparently the guy had gone to lunch), so we had to stand in the cold rain for an hour wet until he finally came and got us. We even tried hitchhiking at one point, but failed.... yeah, but once we got back to our cars we stopped at a mexican restaurant and ate lunch/dinner (delicious!). But yeah, the trip was still very much fun and very much worth it. 

Okay, talking about camping reminds me of my newest obsession, s'mores! They are so absolutely delicious and wonderful. I still marvel at whoever thought up this amazing creation (note to self, wiki that shit), the perfect combination of marshmallow, chocolate and tasty graham cracker... mmmm.... i've started making them almost every night at home over the oven... my mom doesn't like this- she says I can't be eating all this sugar... and she can tell when I make it too cuz it makes the whole house smell all sugary and delicious. Just talking about them makes me happy... I could go on and on about how wonderful they are (just ask my mom). It's kind of funny because most people gain weight at school while I gain weight at home... is this happening to anyone else? I've decided to go to the gym tomorrow (lets see if that works out).

Okay it's almost midnight so I've got to get to bed so I can wake up and go to work *sigh*

Miss everyone I haven't seen in awhile (determine for yourself if that's you),

Blasian out.

p.s. I so want to become an NCIS agent... seriously considering that as a career option... 

Monday, May 11, 2009

strawberry shortcake, gossip girl, mosquitos and cars

Dear Life, 
I am enjoying summer very much. I haven't really done all that much so far- perhaps that's the reason I'm enjoying myself so much, you know, getting to do absolutely nothing. Yesterday I checked out a condo my mom is thinking about buying and I really loved it, but my mom isn't sure if she wants to get it because it doesn't come with a parking space. Earlier today I make strawberry shortcake. I was going to make a blueberry pie or some fancy cake from martha stewart's website but I didn't have all of the ingredients I needed and was too lazy to drive to the market place (yes, I call it a market place), so I made strawberry shortcake and used milk instead of heavy cream (whatever that is). I hope that was an okay substitute- it came out okay. Then I watched some of the office (season 2). I was planning on going into Boston to go shopping with my mom but then realized right before I got on the highway that Gossip Girl was --
Oh, My, God. Right as I was typing that I realized (again) that Gossip Girl was on at 8 and it was 8:05pm! Sorry, minor freak out, now that I have the tv turned on everything is okay. Wow, that really would have sucked if I had forgotten to watch Gossip Girl just because I was typing a blog post. Anyways, there was a minor incident on the drive back from the highway. As I was driving, I noticed there was a mosquito in the corner of my car. I just had a very minor freak out. My mom did not enjoy it. When we got back to the house and she had killed it she looked at me and said very seriously "I'm not sure if you should drive again Maxine," she was very very upset. I thought it was pretty funny though. That totally would have been good material for my reality tv show (if I had one), you know, with me swerving down the street and trying to swat at the mosquito with one hand while driving with the other hand... haha... anyways, hopefully she'll forget about the whole matter and I'll be driving tomorrow. 
Also, I've been looking around for stables that give horseback riding lessons so that I can prep for the equestrian team try-outs. Also I signed up for the COM intro class for summer 2. So that's the update on my life- I'm very proud of myself for actually signing up for the COM class and looking for riding lessons, finally I'm organizing my life. 

Anyways, better give my full attention to Gossip Girl, 
The Organized Maxine