Sunday, May 31, 2009

bad cable, romantic cold case, wet rain and s'mores

I believe it is time for another fabulous post by yours truly. So today there was an NCIS marathon going from 11 to 8, it was wild. I started watching at 12, but then the cable went out at 1, so I got to watch one episode. Then the cable came back at about 1:05 and I got all excited before it went out again five minutes later. That's the worst, when they let you watch a little- just enough to really get into it- and then take it away from you. I called the customer services people and they couldn't help me fix it over the phone so a cable guy is coming tomorrow or something to fix it. I was very upset, but whenever I talk to customer service people I try not to show them that I'm upset because it's not their fault my cable isn't working and they must get a lot of angry people calling them (like my mom) to deal with so I don't want to add to that. It must be a very stressful job having to deal with all these angry people. So I play nice and we get along and everything is happy. I've even made one customer service guy laugh- well... it was more of a chuckle. Anyways, I went out to lunch with my mom came back and tried the tv and it worked! I have this theory that the cable only works in the afternoon. Anyways, I was able to watch like 4 or 5 more episodes. I was really sad at the end of the marathon though because Law&Order came on and it was just criminal intent so I flipped around and found an episode of cold case to watch (I know, good night for tv right?). The episode was about a guy from the marines who was killed (I think the marines are way cool btw) and I when I found this out I actually said out loud "This is a job for NCIS!" and half expected to see Gibbs & Co. show up (they didn't). Anyways, it was a really good episode of cold case, it was one of the ones where it's got that romantic love story background to it that ends up being really sad... but before it gets sad you see how absolutely wonderful it was and how perfect they were together and stuff (very mushy I know). Seriously though, it was one of those cold case love stories where you just go 'awww' and then at the end when you see the old woman all alone without the love of her life you go 'whyyyy????!!' Anyways, very good tv watching tonight. 

So, I'm thinking about going to Ankara sometime soon (I really want my mom to try their pizza), I'd really like to get a calzone cuz the one AP got looked really good... and maybe some fro-yo too. mmmm.... 

In the beginning of this week I went camping with some friends. It was really fun even though it rained and we ended up leaving a day early. And that we (well I sat in the middle of the canoe so not really me) had to canoe in the rain for about an hour and a half and it was freezing cold (I only had flip flops on - should have brought the rain boots). And when we got to the checkpoint where the canoe people were suppose to pick us up they wouldn't pick up the phone (apparently the guy had gone to lunch), so we had to stand in the cold rain for an hour wet until he finally came and got us. We even tried hitchhiking at one point, but failed.... yeah, but once we got back to our cars we stopped at a mexican restaurant and ate lunch/dinner (delicious!). But yeah, the trip was still very much fun and very much worth it. 

Okay, talking about camping reminds me of my newest obsession, s'mores! They are so absolutely delicious and wonderful. I still marvel at whoever thought up this amazing creation (note to self, wiki that shit), the perfect combination of marshmallow, chocolate and tasty graham cracker... mmmm.... i've started making them almost every night at home over the oven... my mom doesn't like this- she says I can't be eating all this sugar... and she can tell when I make it too cuz it makes the whole house smell all sugary and delicious. Just talking about them makes me happy... I could go on and on about how wonderful they are (just ask my mom). It's kind of funny because most people gain weight at school while I gain weight at home... is this happening to anyone else? I've decided to go to the gym tomorrow (lets see if that works out).

Okay it's almost midnight so I've got to get to bed so I can wake up and go to work *sigh*

Miss everyone I haven't seen in awhile (determine for yourself if that's you),

Blasian out.

p.s. I so want to become an NCIS agent... seriously considering that as a career option... 


  1. hello maam.
    I love smores too....and they are so good! did you wiki it? who invented smores? aaand thank you for updating the blobe, Ive missed it. and I am toootally gaining weight being back at home. I miss you!
    oh hey and look, Im commenting first and Im not even your neighbor anymore........HA.


  2. can't wait until your next post about s'mores, better have some good info in it, i'm excited. Does making them over the oven really work? I feel like I've tried it but my parents told me something about fumes and I got scared.

    oh also, when you said you wanted to go to Ankara I thought you meant you wanted to go to Turkey. Turkey is cool. I know people (person) in Turkey.

    sad to have missed Deet Fleet but psyched that you guys have fun.

    P from PM Pie.

  3. S'mores rullllleee. And I told you that in your pictures of camping..specifically the one of you in the canoe...You look just like Pochantus!!!

    ...can you paint with all the colors of the wind....?
