Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Life with out H, stupid squirrels, the godfather and terrier hockey oh my!

So, I'll write a quick post before I go to bed tonight (this one is for you H)... 

First off I will tell you all about my embarrassing I think it was Friday. I woke up, got ready for class like any other Monday, Wednesday, Friday, except this Friday, H had gone home so I didn't have anybody to walk with to class (which was very sad). I started to worry because I was afraid I was going to be late and it can take awhile to take the elevator to the 5th floor because so many people try to take it at the same time. When I got to the elevator in CAS, nobody was there! Amazing! This has never happened before- it was kind of weird. I got in the elevator, and again, nobody! Two times amazing! Got to the classroom and there are only about 15 kids in it- weird again right? So I figure maybe it's an optional day or something and I just didn't get the memo? But oh wait, that is so not my teacher up there talking... So I look at my clock and realize I'M AN HOUR EARLY TO CLASS. I woke up and HOUR early, got ready, and went to class. See last time this happened, H told me before I ended up going to class- this was not the case. 

Anyways, most people have already heard that story, thought I'd tell it again. 

Okay, so a little more repeating. Here's the crazy thought I had while having insomnia a few days ago, as written on an index card, "It's a natural instinct to freeze up when we sense danger. We see squirrels do it all the time and think to ourselves 'stupid squirrel, I can still see you...'". So there it is for all your laughing pleasure- me making absolutely no sense. 

So this weekend I watched the Godfather for the very first time and I plan to add it to my favorite movie list. Hopefully I will get to watch the Godfather II this upcoming weekend. Also this weekend I hope to go to a par-tay. Still trying to find a good one though... So I'm excited about that. Also this weekend there is class registration- not looking forward to that since I know I'm not getting the classes I want and that I'll be getting crappy times (unlike this year when my earliest class is at 12). This weekend is also the Boston Marathon and I'll be volunteering for it with a bunch of very cool people. 

Today was the hockey parade. The hockey team rode down comm ave on duck boats and then there was a rally as AP called it at Marsh Plaza. It was very official like with the mayor showing up and giving a speech. A little over done perhaps? Then there was confetti that shot out- which was pretty cool. There was a ton of that stuff too... I don't really understand why it was red, white and BLUE though. Maybe to be patriotic? Cuz our colors are just red and white. Scarlet red might I add... anyways, it was really cool because the hockey team did AMAZING this year. We won every single tournament and title we possible could have- how many teams do you know that do that? So overall, very good hockey year- arguably one of the best.

Okay, I know I had a bunch of other stuff to write about and I know everything I wrote about isn't new info for a bunch of people, but the sleeping meds are beginning to kick in and soon the stuff I write will start to sound loopy and all that JAZZ. 

So night all,
Sleepy Girl aka SG


Saturday, April 4, 2009

19 years of life, free movie theatre popcorn, fro-yo, meet lily and butts

Hello All, 

So yesterday was my b-day, I turned 19. At first I was not having that great of a day because I try not to get too excited about my b-day because it always seems to end in disappointment. But by the end of the night I was embracing my 19th year of life. The night started off early with a dinner with my mom and the cousins at Stephanie's on Newbury (only the bestest restaurant ever). Then I went out to the dorms with some of the coolest people at BU- we saw Sunshine Cleaning, which was absolutely wonderful! It made me happy. At one point, it made me sad, but then it made me happy again (twice as happy!) so everything was okay. My birthday really got better after Teresa used my coupon (buy any size drink get a small popcorn FREE!) and gave me the popcorn. Note that the coupon was EXPIRED! I had been wanting to use this coupon for awhile, it got to the point where I was having reoccurring dreams about going to the movies to use it. I was double excited about the popcorn because a. it was movie theatre popcorn and b. because it was FREE. So that's why I was double excited. But as we were walking into the theatre I realized I had forgotten my glasses (thanks a lot AP)!!!! Normally this would have made me very upset and put a damper on the movie, but as I held my free movie theatre popcorn in my hands, I was incapable of feeling something other than happiness. So it was no biggie. Then when me and Teresa sat down with everybody else I realized my seat was at a funky angle and I found this very unpleasant and wanted to move to a closer seat. Luckily Teresa was willing to move with me and after trying the seat in the third or fourth row- but we felt that was a little too close and moved back to one of those comfy intimate two seater (you know, the ones where a handicap person can roll right into the spot next to it?) well, let me tell you, that was the best seat in the house! It was an amazingly new discovery. Also, when I had just gotten to the movies, I called Katherine because we've got a little tradition going on- you know my birthday chatroom I have every year that only Katherine showed up to last year? And yes, I'm still bitter about that- and since I couldn't be on the internet this year because I was en route to the movies, I decided to communicate with Katherine via cellular phone. It worked out very nicely, I turned 19 while riding the escalator up. It was very nice. I enjoyed it lots. Thank you Katherine lots. 
Okay so after the movies, we went for some FRO-YO (aka frozen yogurt) from Ankara- I got raspberry and white chocolate. Then we walked back to the dorms and I danced down Bay State. I think I had a sugar high by this point... anyways, back at the dorms, I couldn't finish my fro-yo, it was very very big, like huge, so LILY finished it for me which was good because then I didn't have to feel bad about not finishing it and being a food waster. Meet Lily- she lives down the hall in 701. She is very insightful, and makes me laugh, oh, and she's got some pretty sick dance moves. She's from all the way on the west coast and I'm so very happy we became friends here at BU and will be so very sad when she leaves me- I will also be very sad when H leaves me... why must everybody leave me?? why arn't I good enough?!?! WHYYYY??!?! Anyways, then we all danced around and made a lot of noise... I can't really remember much else about last night... it's all kind of fuzzy... 
Right now Lily is showing H how to do an INTENSE but work out. "Fuck, it does hurt a little bit..." says H... "ow, it hurts the other one- the other cheek.." to which Lily replies, "yeah it does..." and H says "ow... butt... feel like I need to stretch it out..." 

Peace to life, 