Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Obama, Jean Theft, Fuzzy Pet, Blasianess, Weekend Home and Bay State Happenings

Okay, so I've been meaning to post for awhile now, and fearing that I would forget things to write, I wrote a handy dandy little purple sticky note, which I have right here next to me as I type. So, there's a lot of little bullet notes (it goes onto the back of the note) so I better get started. 

I will start with a couple dreams I've had (this is for you H): 

Dream 1 (yes, I'm going to number them):
For some reason, me and my friends were going around trying to raise money for Obama... I'm not exactly sure what the money was for but yeah... And as we're going around collecting cash from people, who happens to walk by, but President Obama himself! So what do we do? We hand him the cash and strike up conversation. Apparently he's been stressing because America is on the brink of war! It looks like there's about to be a world war 3. So we're all chilling with Obama, and somehow he finds out that I've got the amazing ability of telepathy. That's right people, I can move things with my mind. So now me and Obama are like tight (crossing fingers to show just how tight) and even in my dream I know it's because he wants to use me in the up coming war- Maxine, the secret weapon. So me and my friends go to this big fancy dinner that Obama is holding (for some reason I think it's being held in the Tower's dinning hall). And my dear friend H is there sitting at one of the tables- in my dream, she's also my roommate, sorry Teresa. Here's where it gets foggy, and sorta turns into Dream 2...

Dream 2: For some reason I must have left the fancy dinner. I go up to my room and something seems suspicious. You see, earlier I had seen these too black girls in the room across from mine, and it looked like they were stealing stuff, but I didn't want to go around accusing cause I wasn't sure, I mean, I don't want to be called a racist or anything (also I was preoccupied with being America's new secret weapon and all...) Anyways, I get into my room (which is unlocked! How stupid of me, to leave it unlocked when I went to eat dinner with Obama..) and I find my wallet, but nothing is missing... weird right? So I check around my room, and when I open my closet, I find out that those bitches fucking stole my cloths!!! I've got like nothing left in my closet, except for this hideous pair of bright velvet pants that I have never seen in my life! So I rush out of my room and can hear them in the echoey stairwell and chase after those bitches. I catch them outside getting ready to load their getaway car (it's pouring rain also) and yell out to them as I see one girl putting my jeans in a bag, "You stole my jeans! Give me back my fucking jeans!" and I'm all up in their faces- it's Hockey Maxine- and they're getting nervous so she gives me back me jeans. But then I see the other bitch packing my skirts away, and I start freaking out again. Eventually a cop comes and I explain everything before getting a glimpse of my purses which really sets me off. Like even I'm a little afraid of Angry Dream Maxine. And I'm talking to the police telling him everything, and he's disgusted by this theft, he's all "They stole your purses?" in a 'how dare they' voice, and I'm like uh-huh. I woke up though, but I have a feeling I got all my stuff back. 

Wow, this is a long post, but read it all. Read it. (shakes fist)

Dream 3 (this one is short): 
I was in the pet store, and they were selling is really cute orange fuzz ball things that swim in water... they were so cute, and I wanted one so bad... They were literally like a little fuzz ball, about the size of my hand, swimming around (I think they could walk on land too). They were so adorable, like you have no idea. And when I woke up I was all like awww, but then I realized they don't exist, and then I was impressed by my ability to make up such an adorable creature. 

That's the end of my dreams, but not the end of my sticky note bullets... sorry, hang in there?

Okay, so I thought up a new Blasian idea, that sounds kind of weird to me now, but i'll just say it, what if I came up with a Blasian Afrasian nationality anthem? Also, I've thought up the BAU like in Criminal Minds (Behavioral Analysis Unit) but instead it's the Blasian Afrasian Union. What what?! 

Also, is Kobe Bryan Blasian? Somebody told me he was, he's not on the wiki list of Blasians, and I tried looking it up but failed. Anybody know??

Okay, I'm going to try and hurry things along... I went home two weekends ago because I was on crutches cause I have tendinitis in my foot. I will never go home again for a weekend, only for holidays where the dorms close. Anyways, when I was watching TV in the living room I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and looked and guess what I fucking saw? A fucking chipmunk! In the fucking house! (excuse my language). But seriously?? My mom was eventually able to chase it down to the basement where it died overnight I guess... sad I know, even though it was in my house, it was still kind of cute... I asked my mom how the hell it got in the house and she said she had left the downstairs (all of them) open to air out the basement, and she didn't think anything would come into the house... Sigh.. 

Okay, hockey has started up again, really happy about that. 

And last thing!
I've started seeing some weird happenings on Bay State. First, one morning I saw a guy unicycling down Bay State to class... It was a very odd sight, and I liked how everybody was staring at him. Especially the cop standing in the street, the cop literally like turned his head around to keep looking at the kid, and he just kept staring, and didn't stop until the kid was out of sight. The look on his face... 

Also, on the way back from class, I saw that guy who rides his bike and has a little boom box bungey corded to the back blasting music. I saw him slowly riding down the street with one hand on the handle bar all cool. I admit, although I could hold back the laughter, I could not hold back that little grin at the sight... 

Okay, that's all I have to say, I've got to hit the gym now, which I am not looking forward to. 


P.S. If somebody actually read through all of this, I will be very proud of you. If not... the disappointment is there...