Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Teeth, Creepy Crawlies, Burgers and Japadogs

So I should really be going to sleep now, but I've decided to post something after months of nada. For those of you who do not know, I have recently had my wisdom teeth removed. It has not been pleasant. Over the past few days I have become a reluctant friend of non-solid foods such as mashed potatoes (I was really proud of myself for thinking up that one to eat), pudding, jell-o, ice cream (mmm, ice cream), apple sauce and yogurts and such. Let me tell you, there is a limit to how much pudding a person can take. That's why I was so happy when I was finally able to eat pasta! Yay for pasta, I don't think I've ever been so happy to eat the Italian delicacy. The day before I also discovered scrambled eggs, which was quite nice. And this morning I discovered I could finally eat the wondrous pancake. Everything seemed to be going uphill. Until the pain came and I had to go back to the dentist and discovered I have a dry socket (look it up if you don't know what it is).


Sorry about that, had to take some pain meds for the dry socket mentioned above. Went into the bathroom and saw the biggest monster creepy crawly bug I've ever seen and it gave me the scare of my life. Seriously, I pretty much screamed as if an axe murder was coming after me, axe raised and poised at the ready to slice off my neck. It scurried away from me, just missing my poor innocent toes. It was like one of those long creepy crawlers with like a hundred little legs attached to it that could probably win the gold in the 100 meter dash or whatever... Seriously, if I could run like that? Anyways, scariest thing ever, I think I seriously would have rather see a mouse or something... Anyways, called the mother unit in to find and kill it, butalas she failed and so I convinced her to shut the b-room door and tap the crack at the bottom to seal the little critter in there until morning when we can do a proper search and destroy.

So anyways, there's probably a whole lot of stuff I can update you on but I won't, instead I'll just write a list of the foods I plan to eat once I can eat whatever my stomach (and heart) desire:
(I've actually made a real list on a sticky note)

Pizza- ankara (which has actually moved locations to somewhere unknown but still delivers),uno's, scozzi (this awesome place on Newbury that opened a place in Kenmore recently),dominos (because I can't remember the last time I ordered it, seriously)
Calzone- ankara
Cheeseburger- flamers (in the Pru because it takes a whole lot of chewing power to chow down a flamers burger and I can't wait to chew chew chew!), uburger (either the boomboom or the Big Papi), good eats (which is this place near northeastern (booo)
Shabu Shabu- which I know isn't a food, but is a place. A place where I plan to get the Chinese Spicy broth... mmmm
Fries- to go along with the said burger and pizza
Indian food- I just really want some nan bread
Thai Food- noodle street, and that place in Arlington center
Anna's Taqueria- also a place, not a specific food.

so that's my list so far... when I was making it a few days ago I also googled pictures of the foods which my mom thinks is not only a sign of mental instability, but also just all around unhealthy and weird... Oh, I forgot to list how I would love to get a burger from Fat Burger, but there aren't any of those around here... I think the closest is in New Jersey. I would also like to try a Japadog. It's like a hot dog but with Japanese condiments on it, it looks really tasty, google that along with that dry socket. Or maybe don't do both at the same time, might ruin the Japadog appetite.

I'll just end this here and make it a short post.

Until next time (which will probably be in a few months),
The Girl with a Tooth Ache

P.S. Tonight I watched the Jersey Shore for the first time. I only saw it for about 20 minutes and I wasn't really paying attention because I was occupied with a take-out Japanese menu. Why did I have it on the TV you ask? Because my mother wanted to see an episode of it because she had heard about it from god knows where (I think she read an article on how this one Italian community/group thing was offended by it or something) and wanted to see what all the hype was about. Needless to say, she was not very impressed by it.

P.P.S. I changed the design of the blobe, let me know if you like it or if I should change it back to the old one