Sunday, March 15, 2009

back by 'popular' demand, first times, scented candles, lots of thinking and other pointless rambles

Devoted Blobe Readers, 

I have decided to write a new post due to popular demand. And my popular demand I mean 2 people. But still, that's pretty significant (at least I think so). Since I don't have a particularly embarrassing or funny story to tell, or a weird random thought to share, I'll start off with summarizing my spring break and go from there... with me you never know where my rambles will take you... anyways...

So the first thing I did when I got back home was change into this sexy black dress and hit the clubs. I partied hard, you should have been there.  Then I smoked weed for the very first time (oh wait no, that was somebody else.... the weed part that is). Oh and no I didn't go clubbing. But, Naomi, Preeya and even Cynthia a bit got me to seriously consider going to a.... party. Wow, I sound so lame... (now I can never post my blog site on facebook in case non friends read this and are like 'wow, good thing I stayed away from her in high school' or 'I'll make sure to avoid her in the dorms' etc). Anyways, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, party.. there's actually more to this plan, but I don't really feel like discussing details here... What else did I do this weekend.... I went to the movies with Tara and saw Confessions of a Shopaholic- it was better than I thought it was going to be. I just got back from Liz's house and we baked a cake to celebrate our birthdays (Fun Fact: Me and Liz (Liz and I?) were born on the exact same day, at the exact same hospital).

Okay, my life is boring... see? This is what happens when I don't write posts out of inspiration. 

Hold on, my mom wants me to smell a candle... 

Wow, smells good. Now she's telling me how she leaves it on her nightstand without lighting it because it smells nice and is relaxing. She thinks I should take it to BU with me... but I just realized we're not allowed to have candles in the dorms... 

Okay, let me try to think of something mildly interesting.... thinking... thinking... ... ... ugh, my mom wants me to go to bed- and it's only 12:36! and she wants me to call her cell when I turn off my light to go to bed... oh, speaking of my mother, I'm planning on writing a BOOK. A book on my family. My crazy crazy family.. it's going to be awesome... I already have a title and everything. I can't share the title with you guys though because it's top secret, but ask me about it and if I really like you I might tell you... 

Back to thinking... I'll talk about NY until I think of something else... I went to NYC during spring break and saw an opera and the lion king musical thingy. I also saw Adwoa, Teresa and Livy and we had lunch *does hand motion*. It was very sophisticated. I ordered a pepperoni pizza that was way too big for one person to eat and had to take leftovers to the hotel. My mom tried the pizza and thought it was too salty. I didn't notice if it was salty or not. 

Okay, since I can't seem to think of anything thrilling to talk about I'll just end with a list of things that I'll miss when I'm back at school and then a list of things I miss while I'm at home: 

What I'll miss when I'm back at school:
- showers with no flip flops (as H always points out)
- being extra lazy (including doing nothing all day and having no hw)
- seeing high school friends
- not having insomnia (it's weird, I haven't had it since I've been home)
- lexington take out
- driving w/ the radio

What I miss while I'm at home:
- cable (this means no law&order, NCIS, CSI, criminal minds, cold case, etc reruns)
- BU friends b/c suddenly it's so lonely (ex: can't just go down the hall to bother someone)
- waffles
- yeah this list is really short, mainly because when I get back to school I have a midterm and a paper due.. bleh

That's all I'm going to say, sorry if this post was a little dull, hopefully the next one will be wonderful and colorful, because I like color, it's good... I'm especially thinking reds and yellows, maybe with a splash of green? maybe just a drop of green... 

I'll be seeing BU people tomorrow!

P.S. BU IS #1 FOR HOCKEY EAST (NU can suck it! BC too) (if you didn't know that already) WHICH MEANS WE'RE GOING TO NCAA TOURNAMENT !!!!!!! GO TERRIERS!!!


  1. yaaa...I don't love you or anything.

    These posts make my life.

  2. seriously, i'm in my room, trying not to kill my roommate, and none of you are here (at least i don't think so) and this just made me laugh out loud!! especially the part w/ the 'doing lunch' hand motions :P.

    P.s: floor 7's going to a party before the end of this semester.

  3. loved it. I love mom commentary. I already told you this buuut it.
