Sunday, December 28, 2008

naked aliens, guys with chainsaws, foggy nights and gangsta fabness

Hi there, 

I was just about to go to sleep but then I realized I wasn't really all that sleepy so I decided I would update the blobe. Anyways, for the past few days I've been hanging out with friends, going to the mall, you know the usual unoriginal teenage activities... on the way back from Liz's house I noticed how incredibly foggy it is outside. Like really really foggy... the kind where if you put on your high beams you can't see anything at all, and then when you leave your lights normal you still can't see anything... and it's all eerie and you feel like you're suddenly in a horror movie and some guy with a chainsaw is going to jump  out at you any second... you know what I mean? If you don't that's how I feel when I'm driving and it's all foggy... either that or I feel like some alien life form is about to dart across the street and halfway across pause and stare at me before running off into the woods... then nobody would believe me when I saw them, but even worse, when I'd get to my driveway I'd be too afraid to get out of my car... I mean, how freaked would YOU be if a naked alien (notice how aliens are always naked? They never have any cloths on... though it would be weird if they did... well maybe not if it was some high tech spacesuit or something... I wonder how you distinguish between a boy and girl alien...) darted across the street??? I sure would be... anyways, those are the two thoughts I have whenever I'm driving home in the fog... actually first I have the chainsaw guy thought, then when I pull into my driveway I have the alien one, like as I pull in (that's what she... he? said) my lights will shine on him (it's a boy alien by the way) before he darts (he always darts- never runs... maybe scurries...) away... wow... I probably should stop rambling about my fears regarding fog... I really went on about that didn't I? That's actually kind of embarrassing... okay, topic change.... now.

So for those of you who were wondering if Phineas died from the extra pellet- he didn't. He's still as fishy and swimy and bluey as ever... and yes, Phineas was name after Phineas in A Separate Peace... bonus points to whoever guessed that (I forgot who guessed that... sorry... reallllly bad memory... especially when it's 3 in the morning... which it is now... as I write this... yeah)

Anyways, I think I've rambled enough for tonight... I'd just like to make a shout out to all of my fellow 7W inhabitants (can I say that? 'make a shout out'? is make the right word..?) I miss you all so much and whenever I hear Live Your Life or Britney Spears I think of you guys... I also have a question... is the office going to be on next week? This is a first priority question people... (and yes, I just realized I could go online and check that now but it's too late, I already asked)

Peace out yo, 

p.s. hahaha, I said 'peace out yo'...  could you imagine me saying the out loud? Oh wait, I don't have to... I'll say it out loud right now, hold on.... hahha, I sound so gangsta FABulous! hahha, now imagine me saying 'gangsta fabulous'... funny right?

p.p.s.  I'm hungry.


  1. I was the lovely woman who guessed Phineas was from a Separate Peace =] And I loveee reading your blog because I feel like you're closer to me

    <3 you DJ

  2. okay, a few ythings.
    a) that was one of my favorite posts ever.
    b) why do aliens always scurry and never actually pick up their feet and run? I wonder that too....
    c) aaaaand I miss you a loooooottttt and everytime I hear single ladies I giggle.
    d) and you are the most gangsta fabolous woman Ive ever known.
    e) oh yeah, no new office until the week we come back. at least thats what Ive heard so far.
    I misss youuuu,

  3. i favorite post in the history of the boston blobe so far...and you raise some good questions about aliens and their lack of clothing...and if you ever seriously say 'peace out yo' or 'gansta fabulous' out loud, i might have to hurt you. Aww I miss you too!! I can't say that's what she said in ghana...people either dont understand what i'm saying or just think i have a really dirty mind haha.
