Friday, December 19, 2008

It's a Winter Wonderland! Simply Dazzling...

Hello All, 

It seems winter has officially arrived since we are experiencing our first snow storm. I first noticed the snow when I left my mandarin teacher's office on Comm Ave. It dazzled me. I put my face up to feel the soft wintery flakes of snow only to feel tiny pieces of snowy ice falling onto my face. It sort of hurt.. anyways, I continued to walk back to Towers and couldn't help but think how could anyone be mad when it snows? Snow just seems to have this calming effect- unless it's really windy out or something... Anyways, I got back to Towers and hung out in the common room for a bit waiting with Teresa and Alexandra P for Teresa's cab to come take her to South Station. Teresa started worrying because he cab came late- eventually calling the company and realizing no cab was coming. She ended up catching a cab on the way to the T stop and I just received a text message informing me that she made her train. Yay Teresa!!! 

Some of us dread the snow. Others- who have yet to witness the miracle of snow are excited. (I'm talking about Alexandra P here... if you didn't catch that). I was able to witness Alexandra witness her first snow storm. So many things she had never seen before, starting off with drops of water with ice in them and ending with the building of a snowman and the inevitable snowball fight (with yours truly). From the common room we also witness a few people slipping and a bicyclist slowly making his way through the snow. Today Alexandra learned that sometimes the snowplows sprinkle sand on the ground. She was also able to see a snow shovel for the fist time today being *gasp* used. Eventually the two of us made our way outside where I tried to chase Alexandra down with a snowball but ended but falling barely catching myself from making out with the snow covered pavement. It was pretty embarrassing... it was right outside the doors to Towers too, so I'm sure my slip up didn't go unnoticed... Then we made a snowman. A very nice snowman might I add. Oh and I hit Alexandra in the face with a snowball on the way in- sorry Alexandra for sharing that... 

Currently I am sitting in the common room by myself (and no it's actually not that lonely) eating popcorn and poptarts- lots of pops I guess... brown sugar cinnamon if you were wondering... 

I think that's all I'll write for now... I'll continue to update! 

Truly yours (not really), 

       The Dazzled Maxine 


  1. hahahaha you got Alex P in the face hahahahaha

  2. Aww sounds like a fun day! i'm sad I missed the snow virgin's first snow storm..except i guess she's a snow virgin no longer:P

  3. I want snow! I want snow!
