Sunday, April 27, 2008

athlete vs. elliptical, blobe vs. globe, fish vs. dog

Okay, post #3, cool.

Today I went to the GYM. You know, that place with all those machines and sweaty people? It’s all so foreign to me now that I’m no longer an athlete. I love saying that word- a t h l e t e. Anyways, I only went because my mom made me. It wasn’t so bad though, I used the elliptical and the treadmill for a total of 30 minutes. Elliptical is such a cool word. I think I love it more than athlete... Do I need to wipe down the machine after I use it? Cuz sometimes I see people doing that, but not all the time… is there some rule? Like if you worked out for this amount of time you have to wipe it down, or if you sweat this much you have to wipe it down? I didn’t wipe anything down today and as I left I couldn’t help but feel paranoid that everyone was watching me thinking ‘the nerve of that girl, she didn’t even wipe down that elliptical’.

Enough about the g-y-m. I can’t find my camcorder… and I wanted to make a lovely video before graduation but that won’t be possible until I find that camcorder… I’m starting to worry… what if I dropped it somewhere and didn’t notice? Probably not though.

I’m trying to figure out if I can google my blog because that would be so cool. Except when I typed in ‘the boston blobe’ I kept getting the boston globe. A little unfair in my opinion.

Today I also went to the library. I’m not really sure why… but I put Sarah Dessen’s new book on hold (fk: have you read it yet?).

If you were wondering, Phineas is doing fantastic. I really think he’s adjusted to his new home and all. I’m trying to train him… you know, maybe teach him a few tricks for the next time someone’s over. You’d be impressed right? I mean, you see dogs doing tricks all the time, how many times have you seen a fish do one? I just hope he isn’t one of those fish with a 5 second memory…

p.s. i'm pretty sure I was joking about the whole teaching Phineas tricks... pretty sure... maybe when I'm really bored one day

1 comment:

    the problem w/ comments is then you can't reply to meeeeee
