Tuesday, April 1, 2008

dead fishes, axe murders, spilled milk and birthday wishes

So I was lying in bed and after about 2 hours I realized I wasn’t going to fall asleep and despite being exhausted before getting into bed, I was (am) wide awake- pretty much what happens to me every night. So as usual when I can’t sleep I either find something to read or turn on the t.v (which you should always proceed with caution because the bright light from the t.v is blinding when you’ve been lying in the dark for the past 2 hours- like b-l-i-n-d-i-n-g). so I watched the Simpsons, then Friends then eventually decided it was time for that after midnight snack- I’m always reminded of Scooby-Doo (you know that mystery solving dog?) whenever I go to get a midnight snack. Okay so I go downstairs and turned on the kitchen light and look over at Phineas (yes I will call him Phineas on my blog to protect his privacy from online predators- actually it’s because it’s what his name should have been) in his bowl who’s FLOATING AT THE TOP OF THE BOWL. I almost had a heart attack, but then he swam down to the bottom. I THOUGHT HE HAD DIED. I mean I’ve only had him for a few weeks so that would’ve been pathetic. And it’s not like going downstairs in the middle of the night to early morning isn’t scary enough- I always feel like there’s some crazed axe murder lurking in the shadows just waiting for me to get a hunger craving and come downstairs to get a late night snack- Anyways, while I was making myself some toast, I started thinking, ‘why not write my first blog entry now?’ because really, what’s better than insomnia induced rambling? Apparently I wasn’t paying attention because my toast burned. Haven’t burned toast in a long time. Okay not that you really need to know this but I totally just spilled milk all over myself- I’m just going to blame it on fatigue. Alright, that’s enough rambling for tonight, I promised myself I would keep it to a minimum…

Okay, so I lied… but it’s just because I forgot to add one more thing. Now this is VERY important. Life or death matter here. I need new Ipod headphones. Desperately. If anyone has any old ipod headphones they don’t need anymore feel free to hand them over- think of it as a birthday present! But seriously, used headphones anyone? I’m too cheap/lazy to buy new ones (they’re $30! Do you know what I could buy with $30? Also I’m against buying new ipod headphones, I’m not sure why though) So again, used old ipod headphones, you know who to give them too. I will be eternally grateful and will love you for life because I sort of need music during passing time for the ultimate space background. I will give credit to Katherine who gave me hers but uh… those broke sometime last week…

To be honest I don’t really want anything for my birthday at this point. Well nothing I can really think of… but you know what would be awesome? A cupcake! I would really like a cupcake, one of those big ones? I mean not colossal, but you know those biggish bakery ones? With all the frosting? Also I’ve run out of those ice breaker tropical sour things… though I’ll just get those the next time I’m at CVS. For my birthday I would also like it to be warm enough outside not to have to wear a jacket and not freeze- I get cold easily. It’s not like I’m asking that much, just a change in the weather, maybe straight A’s for the rest of the year and a part-time job… Oh, and pearls- but don’t worry, I’m waiting until I’m like 21 to get those (and I’ll pay for them myself… maybe… possibly… … …)

Okay I know, I’ve rambled way too much and nobody is actually going to read to the end of this. Though if you do I will be impressed. You will have impressed me. So if you’ve read all of this- with little to no skimming- than congratulations, you’re a winner! At least to me. No, you’ll be my hero… maybe… possibly… …

Can we still having my wonderful birthday chatroom? it makes me happy- and we like to make me happy, right? if you love me at all you'll be there!



  1. hi, love
    i clearly have no life seeing that i just read this entire thing. 3 points.
    1. the blog name makes me smile
    2. my ipod headphones broke too
    3. i had one of those cupcakes in new york... it was oreo and SO GOOD.

  2. hey i win a prize! minimal skimming on my part. seriously, MINIMAL.

    i still think we should take you out to dinner for your bday and you can wear that dress. yay 18th birthday!

  3. Fine. I admit it. I was guilt tripped into reading your entire ramblings. But I get credit, I actually read the whole rambling--not partial rambling or ocassionally interjected ramblings--the whole rambling. Uh huh, yeah I'm awesome. Not as awesome as you because it's near your birthday, but almost that awesome.

    Now onto copying Katherine:

    2 points

    1. I hate to say it, but your fish may actually be a member of the swimming. I recognize you have a certain fondness for pets with no responsiveness and minimal movement, aka stuffed animals, beenie babies, whatever those strange Bones toys are, but I really think you need more affectionate pets. Phineas looks like its dead ALL of the time.

    2. I appreciate your choice of watching Friends at 2 in the morning. I would expect nothing less.

    3. My new name is Ralph. Hope you like it.

  4. I love you times a million.
    and yes you are my favorite.
