Saturday, November 15, 2008

Revelations, Cannoli, ATM and Places of Failure

First of all, Katherine, I finished reading Revelations: Blue Bloods 3, I was a little disappointed throughout the book because nothing was really happening and it was annoying at times, but the ending totally changed my mind. There's going to be a fourth book too, even though there were only suppose to be three series with three books in each, I think I read somewhere that it was because the 3rd book would have been too long or something... anyways yeah

For everybody else now... First off I'll tell you an extremely embarrassing story that happened to me today in the north end... sigh... promise you won't make fun of me now... okay *sigh* here I go... sorry, I've got to collect myself before telling this tale- it's just that embarrassing. Okay. So after eating dinner I wanted to go to Modern Pastry to buy a cannoli. So I ordered my delicious cannoli but then Adwoa comes in and tells me that their credit card machine is broken. I had absolutely no cash on me. None. So I was like, great now I've got to run to the bank. So I walk to the bank, go in get some money then leave. Once I get out of the little ATM room thing I was like 'oh, I forgot my receipt' so I go to open the doors and realize they're locked. Great. So I go into my wallet to get my debit card BUT CAN'T FIND IT. I start freaking out a bit, like I had it a second ago, where is it? Then I look through the glass doors at the ATM and see not only my receipt hanging out of the machine, but my debit card! One word was on my mind, 'fuck'. There is absolutely no way to get in there because you need a card to swipe in. I spend the next 10-15 minutes standing there looking and feeling like an idiot asking people as they go by if they are fellow citizen bankers, but nobody is- personally I think some of them where lying.... Eventually a group of guys come up and one of them has to get money and I'm like omg, thank god, and he opens the door for me and I grab my receipt, but the machine sucked up my debit card and won't spit it back out. The guy said the machine does that if nobody takes the card back. So now I've got to get a new debit card. Alright, there's my story of how I locked myself out of the ATM room with my debit card in the machine taunting me. Not a good day. Except I did get my cannoli eventually so I guess everything was okay... 

Okay, one last thing, the sign for the 'couch of failure' has been officially put up. It features a picture of yours truly looking as pathetic and defeated as possible with the words 'Couch of Failure' written across the top. Nice huh?

Anyways, that's all I'm going to share for now... if you make fun of me for my ATM experience you WILL die. So don't even think about it.

Yours Truly, 
The Founder of the Couch of Failure 

Monday, November 10, 2008

boston blob, QM and Albert (aka Al)

First of all, this is not called the boston blob as Teresa likes to call it. And boys from six need to shut up, because I can hear them laughing through the vents in the common room. And your laughter sounds stupid by the way. Laaaaaaammmmeee. Anyways, on to more important matters. Teresa was asking me just now what I was doing and I was like chatting with my friend Katherine and writing a new blog post. Then I rambled some about me going to bed at 2 cuz I still have to do some reading and then I had to explain how my blogs are written from inspiration and that when inspiration strikes, I've got to just go with the flow. Fllllllllooooooooooow. Yep. Flow. I like that word. Nice.

You know what is interesting? the HYATT. It changes colors and all. Blue. Green. Yellow. Red. Orange on Halloween. Yeah... I can see it from where I like to sit in the common room. 

Okay, now for some interesting stuff...
Today I went to Quincy Market and had a gyro. I'd been craving Greek food for awhile so I was pretty satisfied. There's this green house thingy at QM (that stands for  Quincy Market- clever huh?) and I really wanted to get a plant for my room. A nice little green one. And I will call him Albert. My plant Albert. Nice huh? Anyways, I looked around and nothing seemed particularly Albert-like (I shall call him Al for short). I did see these little mini trees and thought about buying one but they were like 75 dollars (which I would have paid for but everyone was like don't buy it Maxine, it's so expensive, and then I realized I didn't like these mini trees cuz they just weren't mini enough), so now I am on a search for mini mini trees (also known as extra mini trees). If you happen to see one please notify me immediately so that I may purchase my Albert. I just realized I should probably give my plant Albert an alias, to protect him from online predators like I did with Phineas, but it seems too late for that, and I already wrote so much, it would be pointless to erase it. Or do the easy thing and just change the name. But what if I already have?! Ha, you would never know. Perhaps Albert is the alias name! See how tricky I can be? You shall never know. Unless I already told you in person what I hope to call my new green plant. 

Okay I'm going to stop now because I need to start that reading that I should be doing... I'm falling a little bit behind. 

Tuesday no school, how very exciting. 

Seriously. I really do think it's exciting. I wasn't being sarcastic there. 


I shall now use a phrase Katherine just used, 

- M.ster

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Adwoa, Updates and POIs

 Hello fellow blobe readers, 

No I have not forgotten about this wonderful blog, so there is no reason to worry.. I am currently sitting under the hair dryer in my hair salon. Adwoa is sitting her next to me demanding to know what I am writing especially since I just asked her how to spell her name. I'm not sure if she can read what I'm writing. Oh... she said she can't see when I just gave her a dirty 'you better not be reading this' look. Wait! She just laughed at what i typed... she can totally read what I'm writing now. 

Anyways, I guess I'll give you all a quick update on my life. College life... yep yep
- going to BU for college
- still undecided in CAS 
- on tuesdays I like to order 2x tuesday from dominos, it's when you buy one large pizza you get one free! amazing I know. 
- began watching the office intensely 
- currently reading Jane Eyre and liking it
- most likely failing math

Yeah, i'm not really sure what else I can say here... I guess I'm opening it up to questions from the audience... 

Okay, one last thing, I will be coming home for Thanksgiving and I think it'd be cool if we could all get together for... something...? I don't know what yet... oh! Perhaps an old el paso taco night? I'll think about it. 

Okay, last last thing, I just remembered something I could update you all on, my POIs also known as Person of Interest. These are the people I see frequently who I find interesting in some way or another. Here we go: 

first there is pretty elevator boy who I first met the elevator (well, not met... saw) anyways, not sure if he's gay or not... leaning towards gay though.. such a shame

second, there's soul-less boy who i also first saw in an elevator. This guys freaks me out because he. has. no. soul. I swear his eyes are black. He never shows any emotion. He makes you feel extremely uncomfortable and dare I say, uncanny? Perfect word, uncanny. 

then there's soul-less man, who's soul-less boy's 'cousin' 

socks guy aka lab coat guy who I once saw wearing jeans that were too short with socks that were too long- one jean leg was tucked into one of those very long socks. it was disastrous. 

then there's the twins. two guy twins who dress exactly the same. EXACTLY the same every single day. EVERY day. seriously, same jeans, shirt, shoes, socks. freaky. and they eat the same thing at breakfast too. there's more info on them, but that is all I will share for now. 

Anyways, there are a bunch of other POIs and the girls on my floor help add details and people to this ever growing list, it entertains us frequently in the dining hall. Although I'm pretty sure all of our POIs know that we watch them. Yeah I'm like  95% sure they know since last night one of soul-less man's friends glared at us for staring... 

Until next time, 

I'll keep the few of you who read this posted, 